Spec Disk 1998 Spring 4.0
Spec Disk 1998 Spring 4.0.iso
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NOTE ** VANDEX SUPER, for standard applications.
NOTE ** This section is based on products of VANDEX Sales &
Services, Inc., which is located at:
NOTE ** P.O. Box 1440
NOTE ** Columbia, MD 21044-0440
NOTE ** Tel: (888) 482-6339 toll free
NOTE ** Tel: (410) 964-1410
NOTE ** Fax: (410) 964-1526
NOTE ** e-mail: info@vandexus.com
NOTE ** This section applies to all standard concrete
waterproofing of old or new concrete, positive or
negative water pressure side, for foundations,
elevator pits, potable water, waste water, and salt
water storage tanks.
NOTE ** Contact manufacturer for assistance with specialty
applications, such as slurry walls, marine
aquariums, sewer manholes, etc.
Copyright 1997, The Architect's Catalog, Inc.
NOTE ** Delete items below not required for project. Add
description of any applications that are not
clearly indicated on the drawings.
A. Crystalline waterproofing on:
1. Surfaces indicated on drawings.
2. Elevator pits, negative pressure side (inside).
3. Footings and foundation walls, negative pressure side
4. Footings and foundation walls, positive pressure side
5. Between mud slab and finish slab.
6. Potable water tanks, positive pressure side (inside).
7. Waste water tanks and flumes, positive pressure side
8. Salt water storage tanks, positive pressure side
NOTE ** Delete any sections below not relevant to this
project; add others as required.
A. Section 03300 - Cast-in-Place Concrete: Placement of mud
slab and finish slab.
A. AASHTO T-259 - Resistance of Concrete to Chloride Ion
Penetration; American Association of State Highway
B. ASTM C 109/C 109M - Standard Test Method for Compressive
Strength of Hydraulic Cement Mortars (Using 2-in. or (50
mm) Cube Specimens).
C. ASTM C 321 - Standard Test Method for Bond Strength of
Chemical-Resistant Mortars.
D. ASTM C 348 - Standard Test Method for Flexural Strength
of Hydraulic Cement Mortars.
E. ASTM C 596 - Standard Test Method for Drying Shrinkage of
Mortar Containing Portland Cement.
F. ASTM C 944 - Standard Test Method for Abrasion Resistance
of Concrete or Mortar Surfaces by the Rotating-Cutter
G. COE CRD-C 48 - Method of Test for Water Permeability of
Concrete; U. S. Army Corps of Engineers.
H. NSF 61 - Drinking Water Systems - Health Effects; NSF
International, Inc.
A. Product Data: Manufacturer's descriptive literature and
product specifications for each product, include:
1. Laboratory tests or data that validate product
compliance with the performance criteria specified.
2. Copy of test report with magnified photos
demonstrating crystalline growth within the concrete.
3. Manufacturer's literature showing product's
capability to post-seal cracks up to 0.012 inch (0.3
mm) which appear after the application.
4. Copy of NSF certification for applications in
connection with potable water.
B. Certification: Manufacturer's written certification that
proposed materials, details and systems as indicated and
specified fully comply with manufacturer's details and
specifications. If any portion of Contract Documents do
not conform to manufacturer's standard recommendations,
submit notification of portions of design that are at
variance with manufacturer's specifications.
NOTE ** Include quality assurance requirements consistent
with size and scope of project and extent of work
of this section. Edit article below accordingly.
A. Manufacturer Qualifications: Company specializing in
manufacturing Products specified in this Section with
minimum 20 years documented experience.
1. ISO 9001 certified; submit copy of certificate.
B. Installer Qualifications: Acceptable to manufacturer
with documented experience on at least 5 projects of
similar nature in past 5 years and/or training provided
by the product manufacturer.
A. Deliver, store off the ground and covered, handle and
protect products from moisture in accordance with
manufacturer's instructions.
B. Deliver materials in manufacturer's unopened containers,
fully identified with brand, type, grade, class and all
other qualifying information. Provide Material Safety
Data Sheets for each product.
C. Take necessary precautions to keep products clean, dry
and free of damage.
NOTE ** Delete the following paragraph if not required.
A. Conduct a pre-installation meeting one week prior to
commencing work to familiarize installers with project
conditions and others with precautions to be taken after
installation of waterproofing.
B. Coordinate waterproofing work with work of other trades.
C. Provide materials and accessories in timely manner so as
not to delay work.
D. Maintain surfaces to be waterproofed and surrounding air
temperature at not less than 40 degF (5 degC) for at
least 48 hours before, during and after application of
E. Do not apply materials to frozen or frost-filled
F. Exercise caution when temperatures exceed 90 degF (32
degC). It may be necessary to apply waterproofing during
times when the sun is not at its strongest (i.e. early
morning, evening or night).
NOTE ** Coordinate length of warranty period below with
adjacent construction and owner requirements to
obtain unified system warranty. Verify available
warranty time periods from specified manufacturers.
Edit article below to suit project conditions
and/or owner's instructions. If warranty period
specified in General Conditions is sufficient,
delete article below.
A. Warrant installed waterproofing to be free of leaks and
defects for _____ years from date of acceptance, with the
exception of structural cracks in the waterproofed
concrete which are 0.012 inch (0.3 mm) or wider.
A. Provide products of Vandex Sales & Services, Inc.,
Columbia, MD 21044-0440. ASD. Tel: (410) 964-1410; Fax:
(410) 964-1526; e-mail: info@vandexus.com.
NOTE ** Delete one of the two following paragraphs;
coordinate with Division 01 requirements.
B. Requests for substitutions will be considered in
accordance with provisions of Section 01600; include
substantiation of product performance.
C. Substitutions: Not permitted.
A. Crystalline Waterproofing: Blend of rapid-hardening
portland cement, specially treated quartz sand and a
compound of active chemicals, with the following
1. Product: VANDEX SUPER.
2. Color: Cement gray.
3. Aggregate: Powder.
4. Potable Water Certification: NSF (NSF Standard 61).
5. Permeability in accordance with CRD-C 48: 0.00
cm/sec permeability at 210 psi (1.5 MPa) or 484 feet
(148 m) over 20 days testing period on negative side.
6. Compressive Strength when measured in accordance with
ASTM C 109: 10,200 psi (70.3 MPa) at 28 days.
7. Flexural Strength when measured in accordance with
ASTM C 348: 730 psi (5.0 MPa) at 28 days.
8. Bond Strength when measured in accordance with ASTM C
321: 690 psi (4.7 MPa) at 14 days.
9. Abrasion resistance when measured in accordance with
ASTM C 944: 1.28 g (10 kg/sq ft on 4000 psi concrete
at 28 days).
10. Sulfate Resistance when measured in accordance with
ASTM C 452: 0.0012 percent (28 days).
11. Chloride Ion Penetration when measured in accordance
with AASHTO T-259: 99.99 percent resistant at 1/4
inch (6 mm), 100 percent at 1 inch (25 mm) depth.
12. Bond of Reinforcement when measured in accordance
with ASTM C 321: No loss of bond due to waterproof
ing material.
B. Water: Clean, clear, non-alkaline and free of salts and
other harmful elements; potable.
A. Patching Compound: Ready-mixed cementitious
waterproofing and repair mortar recommended by
waterproofing manufacturer for honeycombs, tie holes,
seal strips (fillets/coves, reglets), etc., with the
following characteristics:
1. Product: VANDEX UNI MORTAR 1 Z.
2. Compressive Strength when measured in accordance with
ASTM C 109: 7600 psi (52.4 MPa) at 28 days.
3. Flexural Strength when measured in accordance with
ASTM C 348: 700 psi (4.8 MPa) at 28 days.
4. Shrinkage when measured in accordance with ASTM C
596: Minus 0.093 percent at 28 days; plus 0.073
percent at 120 days.
B. Patching Compound for Seal Strips in Contact with Potable
Water: Ready-mixed cementitious waterproofing and repair
mortar recommended by waterproofing manufacturer for
honeycombs, tie holes, seal strips (fillets/coves,
reglets), etc., with the following characteristics:
1. Product: VANDEX MORTAR.
2. Compressive Strength when measured in accordance with
ASTM C 109: 6900 psi (47.6 MPa) at 28 days.
NOTE ** The following paragraph applies only to
installations that must hold potable water; i.e.
drinking water.
3. Potable water certification: NSF (NSF Standard 61).
C. Plugging Compound for Active Water Penetrations:
Accelerating agent for capillary waterproofing products
or pulverized rapid-setting cement.
2. Potable water certification: NSF (NSF Standard 61).
A. Examine substrates and adjoining construction, and
conditions under which work is to be installed. Do not
proceed with work until unsatisfactory conditions are
B. Verify the following substrate conditions before
application of waterproofing:
1. That substrate condition is satisfactory and in
accordance with manufacturer's instructions.
2. That concrete surfaces have open pores and wood float
finish on horizontal surfaces.
3. That concrete surfaces are free of voids, spalled
areas, loose aggregate and sharp protrusions, and
with no coarse aggregate visible.
4. That curing compounds or surface hardeners
incompatible with waterproofing have not been used on
A. Protect adjacent surfaces not designated to receive
B. Remove concrete fins and projections and general surface
C. Remove grease, oil and other contaminants. Use steam
cleaning, high-pressure water blasting, wet or dry sand
blasting, wire brush or other methods recommended by
waterproofing manufacturer to produce surfaces suitable
for application of waterproofing.
D. Follow manufacturer's instructions to clean and prepare
surfaces and seal cracks and joints.
E. Rout out faulty construction joints and visible cracks
not subject to movement that exceed 0.012 inch (0.3 mm)
in width to approximately 3/4 inch (19 mm) width and
minimum 3/4 inch (19 mm) depth.
1. Remove all protrusions, work back to sound concrete
and chisel out any spalled or honeycombed areas.
2. Roughen form tie holes.
3. Stop water leakages according to manufacturer's
plugging specifications.
F. Rinse surfaces to be waterproofed several times so that
the concrete is thoroughly saturated. Surfaces shall be
moist but not wet when waterproofing system is applied.
Remove any surface water on horizontal surfaces.
A. Mix waterproofing material in proportions recommended by
B. Apply waterproofing material in accordance with
manufacturer's specifications and recommendations.
C. Cavity Fill:
1. Prime cavities at cleaned and prepared faulty
construction joints, cracks, form tie holes, etc.
with waterproofing material and fill flush to surface
with patching compound in mortar consistency.
2. Laminate patching compound in 2 to 3 layers in
accordance with manufacturer's instructions for
larger spalled or honeycombed areas.
NOTE ** Use the seal strips/reglets in paragraph below in
case no waterstops are used, or in addition to
waterstops. Delete if not required.
D. Horizontal and Vertical Construction Joints: Prime seal
strips/reglets in pre-formed 1 x 1 inch (25 x 25 mm)
cavities with waterproofing material and fill flush to
surface with patching compound in mortar consistency.
NOTE ** Delete any of the following methods that are not
required on the project.
NOTE ** Use dry-sprinkle method for slabs exposed to
mechanical wear or abrasion, such as in parking
garages, waste water tanks, etc.).
E. Freshly Poured Slabs: Dry-sprinkle waterproofing
material to freshly poured slabs at 2.0 lb/sq yd (1 kg/sq
m) and power trowel.
F. Over Mud Slab/Under Finish Slab: Dry distribute to
prewatered mud slab at 2.25 lb/sq yd (1.2 kg/sq m)
immediately prior to casting the structural slab.
G. Existing Slabs: Brush or spray apply waterproofing
material in slurry consistency, in one coat on existing
1. For standard applications, apply at rate of 2.0 lb/sq
yd (1 kg/sq m).
2. For applications in contact with salt or waste water,
apply at rate of 2.5 to 2.8 lb/sq yd (1.4 to 1.5
kg/sq m).
3. Spread material evenly and work it well into the
H. Vertical Surfaces:
1. Apply base coat of waterproofing material in slurry
consistency at uniform rate of 1.25 to 1.4 lb/sq yd
(0.7 to 0.75 kg/sq m). Apply using appropriate
compressed-air spray equipment, stiff masonry brush
or stiff broom.
2. After base coat has reached initial set but is still
"green" (tacky), apply finish slurry coat of
waterproofing mixture at 1.25 to 1.4 lb/sq yd (0.7 to
0.75 kg/sq m). Apply so that final brush or broom
strokes leave parallel, uniform texture.
A. Follow manufacturer's general instructions for curing and
hardening of waterproofing material.
B. Protect surfaces from rain, frost and drying out.
NOTE ** Include the paragraph below if waterproofing is to
be overcoated with paint, epoxy or tile mortar.
A. Cure surfaces treated with crystalline waterproofing that
are to be coated, painted or tiled for 4 weeks.
1. At the end of the curing period, saturate surfaces
with water and neutralize with a 1:8 solution of
muriatic acid.
2. Rinse waterproofed areas thoroughly with water.
NOTE ** The following article applies only to water tanks,
reservoirs, marine aquariums, etc. Edit test time
period as required.
A. Following application and completion of related work, as
required, but well prior to completion of entire project,
fill tanks to capacity and allow to stand not less than 2
B. If any leaks appear during this period, drain tanks.
Notify Owner prior to draining tanks.
C. Stop leakage due to curing and shrinkage cracks by
installing plugs, seal-strips and additional surface
treatment at no additional cost to the Owner.
1. Following all required repairs, re-test by refilling
tank and allow to stand not less than 1 week.
2. Follow this procedure until all leakage is
NOTE ** The following paragraph is optional because it may
not be the responsibility of the installer of the
D. Thoroughly rinse all tanks and reservoirs with water and
with 100 ppm chlorine water solution.
A. Remove materials left over and any foreign material
resulting from the work from the site.
B. Clean adjacent surfaces and materials.